Night Streets Crystal

by Ron Loewinsohn

The streets at night
Run broad and bright
deep into the heart
where they take me to myself.

The streets at night
Are filled with light
And form a crystal
Where my love lives.

The trees at night
Line the streets
Like a green smoke
At the edges of thought.

The night in the trees’ branches
Has a thousand crystals
Where my love lives.

The branches of the tree of night
Are the streets of the dark crystal
That take me to myself. The magic of
The streets at night is the crystal

They make, broad and bright,
As I drive home away from you,
Yet in the green smoke
At the edges of thought,

In the night filled with trees,
In the streets filled with night,
The incantation of you
Creates a crystal

Wherein “Far” is measured
In the hours since I’ve seen you,
And “Near” in the beat of your heart.

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