We are inVogue

By Nina Serrano

A 106 year old Filipna is on the cover of Vogue
This means that we are now declared
officially “beautiful”
In the next few months and years
our shift in societal perception
will become noticeable
Less face lifts and less hair dye
Soft folds will emerge on faces rather wrinkles
Breasts will have lowered rather than sagged
Our words will be perceived to be wis
rather than “old fashioned”
Our slipping memory will become poetic wisdom
when we can no longer be relied on
for the details of the facts
Granny styles will emerge again
Our old outofdate dresses will become the latest retro
Retro will hold great value
as we evolve into a beauty symbol
Our involuntary naps will be declared
“beauty rest”
So we may even have to give up rest
and find the energy for our new status
as beauty queens
crowned as wise mature and eternally beautiful!