Nathaniel Tarn

was born in 1928 in Paris and educated in France, Belgium, and England, obtaining degrees from Cambridge, the Sorbonne, and Chicago.  He emigrated to the United States in 1970, where he taught at American universities until his retirement.  He is a poet, translator (Neruda, Segalen, etc.), critic, editor, and anthropologist (Highland Maya, S.E. Asia, China, Himalayas, Borneo, etc.) with some 35 publications in the various disciplines.  His latest books are Ins and Outs of the Forest Rivers (New Directions); Avia (Shearsman Press); Selected Poems 1950 – 2000 (Wesleyan) and Scandals in the House of Birds: Shamans & Priests on Lake Atitlan (Marsilio).  He runs a dimunitive garden project thirty minutes northwest of Santa Fe in Nuevo Mexico.

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