Foot Binding Cloth Strip

by Yonghong Gu

Life is too long
Long and fishy
Have to wait
Like in line
Fishy and long
Fishy and long
Waiting for cake
I’m on the bench
Long and fishy
I’m on the bench
Dirty and fishy
I’m on the bench dirty and fishy
Been there too long
Looking at the cake
Time and time
Older and older
Wait and wait
Think and think
Think about goodbye
How to say goodbye
How to say goodbye
Before leaving
Have to say goodbye
That’s the rule
Of this world
Now it ends
Now it comes
Glad I came
Glad I leave
Say goodbye
Tears in eyes
Such a beautiful life!
Boring and fishy
Binds my heart!
Boring and fishy
Time to leave
Too long to wait
Say goodbye
Such a beautiful life!
Long +and fishy
Binds my heart!
My beautiful heart!
Say goodbye