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A consolation for those

Cafe Review Summer 2018 Icelandic Issue

by Ragnar Helgi Ólafsson

who cannot find themselves

in their present
(or: In the future #3)

        Til hughreystingar 

þeim sem finna sig ekki 

í samtíma sínum
(eða: Í framtíðinni #3)

In the future
when time-travel
is routine:

People will still go to the pub
but slip back in time to have a smoke. 

Most people will still have a job
and a permanent residence
in the present
but travel in time in spare moments.

In the future
— some nights —
nobody will be there.


Translated by Ragnar Helgi Ólafsson.


Cafe Review Summer 2018 Icelandic Issue

by Ingunn Lára

outside, deep snow
chokes back my mother’s tears

the snow
muffles the slam
of the door

crimson blushed sky

no sign of a letter
written just past midnight

the middle child
hides under a duvet

the youngest can speak clearly
snow softens his stammer

somewhere buried
and forgotten:
the oldest
with a child under one arm
another on the way

whites out withered words


Translated by Ingunn Lára.