It Is Solved By Walking

by Eamonn Wall

Today I ramble Deer Creek Greenway
Once again, skirt Barnickel’s tennis courts.
Crunch my willow path rehearsing
Verse songs, motoring blue highways
Tuscon to Tucumcari, country rolling by

Neighbors acknowledge my daily trundle;
They nod and weave as they rumble
private pathways through the suburb.

Ziggy Stardust shifts me soon to writers
I have stored — Chatwin, Morris, Theroux —
Their travels traversed my Dublin bedsit
David Bowie turning on the stereo, long days
Before I cut my dearest ties and moved away.
Solvitur ambulando these guides had chorused
When the music stopped and arm and stylus
Raised to rest.  If I keep on walking as I sing
The sun will rise again to a bright Barnickel.