Mysterium Interruptus

by Richard Martin

We were in a dream,
shoveling snow & busy
imitating a symphony of birds
on a transistor radio.

“No explanations as per request,” you said.
“Write the love letters you promised.”

Dearest X,

Like you, I am fond of expensive
wines & abstruse conversation.
I am enthralled by your beauty,
polish my words into mirrors
     for the soul.  I flash my Plato
     Fan Club Card as neighbors
turn into strangers.

Hats off to Larry,


Dearest Y,

So, you’ve changed your name
from X to Y.  I majored in Onomastics
in college, developing an acute
fondest for names associated
with love and beauty — Aphrodite,
Bella, Amor, etc. Y means all
of these to me.

Did you know heaven adores
the invisibility of dark energy?

Who wrote the Book of Love?

Dearest Z,

The alphabet can’t keep me from you.
I am addicted to “letters” & enticed
by your flashy body & fleshy lips.
BTW, my last foray into the majesty
of clouds left me heartbroken
     & without wings.

O, the holy electromagnetism of it all!
I built a house of light to honor you.

Goo goo g’joob


Dearest X, Y & /or Z,

I love the mystery
of not knowing
if I know you.
Is that you banging on
the door of our dream?
My exhaustion for you
is incomplete arid transparent.
I live in the iconic moments
of an imagined presence.

Welcome! to the body of this letter.
It has been waiting for you
without complaint or signature.

PS  I have sealed my guilt
in stardust dogmas
falling into the sea.