Alfredo Zaldivar

Alfredo Zaldivar: (1956), was born in Holgu n but has lived in Matanzas, Cuba since 1973. In 1985 he helped found the worldrenowned handmade book collective, Ediciones Vigia, where he worked for 15 years. He now heads Ediciones Matanzas in the same city. In 2012 he was awarded Cuba’s National Editors Prize and holds a High Honor of Distinction in National Culture, among many other awards. Among his books are: Concilio de las aguas (1989), La vida en ciernes (2002), Esperando a viernes (2009), Trillos /precipicios /concurrencias (2014) Rasgado con las manos (2015), and Cuchillos en el aire /Knives in the Air (2015).