Jack Foley

Jack Foley: has published fifteen books of poetry, five books of criticism, and Visions & Affiliations: A California Literary Timeline (Pantograph Press, 2011), a “chronoencyclopedia” of California poetry from 1940 to 2005. His most recent books include WHEN SLEEP COMES: Shillelagh Songs (Sagging Meniscus press, 2020), RIVERRUN (Poetry Hotel Press, 2017), and others. He became well known through his “multivoiced” performances with his late wife, Adelle, who was also a poet. His radio show, “Cover to Cover,” airs every Wednesday on KPFA in California. In 2010, He received the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Berkeley Poetry Festival. Michael McClure: “Jack Foley is our firebrand experimentalist and he holds his torch high so the reader can have more light.”