An Old Classmate

by Óskar Árni Óskarsson

Gömul skólasystir
An Old Classmate

It wasn’t until he’d pulled up to the lodge in Vik that he noticed something
strange was happening: he’d taken the wrong woman on vacation.  He started to
question the woman who sat beside him in the car discreetly in order to try and
find out who she could possibly be.  But the situation was made all the more
puzzling by the fact that the woman seemed to know the names of all the places
and landmarks they’d passed by and did not hesitate to share her knowledge. 
After having asked her a few cautious questions he concluded that she was an old
classmate.  And when he started to inquire about her private life in more detail it
turned out that they’d been married for thirty years and that she was under the
impression that the present trip was being taken for that exact reason.

Edited by Meg Matich.
Translated by Áslaug Agnarsdóttir.

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