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Ingunn Snædal

Cafe Review Summer 2018 Icelandic Issue

Ingunn Snædal: her first book of poetry, Á heitu malbiki (On Hot Asphalt), was published in 1995. Since then, she has published four other poetry books.  The first, Guðlausir menn hugleiðingar um jökulvatn og ást (Godless People Thoughts on Glacial Water and Love) won the Tómas Guðmundsson poetry award in 2006 and was nominated for The Icelandic Literature Prize.  Her third book, Komin til að vera, nóttin (Here to Stay, the Night) received the Fjöruverðlaun (Women’s Literary Prize) in 2010. Her collected poems were published in 2015, and her work has been widely translated into, for example, English, Swedish, Turkish, and German. In addition to wri\ting poetry, Ingunn is a literary translator.


Cafe Review Summer 2018 Icelandic Issue

Sjón: is an Icelandic poet, novelist, and lyricist.  His pen name (Sjón, meaning “sight”) is an abbreviation of his given name (Sigurjón).  Sjón frequently collaborates with the singer Björk and has performed with The Sugarcubes as Johnny Triumph. His works have been translated into 30 languages. Born in Reykjavík, Iceland, Sjón began his writing career early and published his first book of poetry, Sýnir (Visions), in 1978. He was one of the founding members of the neo-surrealist group Medúsa and became significant in Reykjavik’s cultural scene. Notably, in 2016, Sjón became the third writer chosen to contribute to the Future Library project.

Kött Grá Pje (Atli Sigþórsson)

Cafe Review Summer 2018 Icelandic Issue

Kött Grá Pje (Atli Sigþórsson): (b. 1983) is a word-gymnast who is best known as his rapper-personality Kött Grá Pje. He has released two books of poetry, Perurnar í íbúðinni minni (The Lightbulbs in My Apartment), 2016 and Hin svarta útsending (The Dark Dispatches), 2017, both of which drew a great deal of critical attention.